Monday, November 24, 2008

!Video Of The Day! Brandy "Fall".....

Chopped And Screwed Moment...

Have you ever been in a situation to where you meet someone and the conversation went good? You talk about the atmosphere and where your from or heading? Had a person to ask you if you were available on a certain day? What would many think when in that situation? Well here is my Chopped And Screwed moment.....

So one day, I was out driving and enjoying the weather on a nice hot summer day when this car pulled up next to me at an red light. I was grooving to my music and not really paying attention to the guy next to me until I decided to check my rear view mirror on my passenger side. Noticed the guy looking at me and he cracked a smile at me and did a head nod. I smiled back.

So anyway, here's when it gets interesting. I pulls up into a gas station to fill my tank up because I was getting low and I like to keep a full tank. Without paying to much attention, the same guy that was smiling at me was right on my tail pulling into the gas station too. I get out of my car to go inside to pay for my gas when I heard the guy speak, "Excuse me miss". I didn't really want to turn around to see what it was that he wanted but to be nice, I turned to see what he needed.

So anyway, he asked me if I would come to his truck because he wanted to ask me something. I oblige. Went to the truck to see what was up and he started to ask me if I stayed in the area. I told him yes. He asked me where my man was at. At this point, I'm like 'oh he think he slick coming at me with that Ice Age line'. So I bit and said, probably some where searching for me. Meaning,I'm still looking.

So anyway, we proceed further into a conversation and he asked me if I was available on Saturday night. I said that it all depends. So at this point, I'm thinking that he wanted to ask me out on a date. Eventually he told me that he was new in the area and was trying to find a hot spot to kick it at and if I would want to double date with him and his fiance!.....OMFG!!! I could have died!!! So yes, Ms. Observer was Chopped And Screwed!

Omarion Joins BSV!!

Now I know that you are aware of how Omarion can get down with the get down and puts on a hellava performance for his fans when in Concert. But what I've noticed over the past few years is that Omarion can really dance! without having to be Choreographed or anything. He can really get hood and show off his street skills.

Now this group by the name of BSV has now made Omarion a new member of the group, and he is going by the name of "O'llusion". Now I haven't known of this group until I seen it on YouTube on Omarion's page and I must say that these are some really talented people. One that I've favored so far is a guy that goes by the name of "Ghost". He got mad foot skillz. Anywho, take a look at how they get down....


After watching that, it makes you want to get up and get grimey wit 'em! Omarion really impressed me and I love to watch him dance. Can't wait to see what else this young man have instore for us.

Omarion Cuts His Hair!!!

I might be a little late on this topic but hey, I got a life too!
Anyway, the chrooner that we all know as Omarion from the crew B2K has said that he wanted a change. He made a mager change by cutting off all his hair! (which will be posted for your viewing pleasure)

It was a little odd for me at first when watching because half of his life as we seen him from the media's eye, he had long hair and thats what a lot of us was use to seeing. But after while, it grew on me because he looks quite handsome to say the least. But the thing that boggled me was.......I don't know if it's because when B2K first hit the scene, it was talks of Omarion and Marques Houston being brothers or what but....he looked just like Marques to me when his hair was cut. Take a look for yourself and be the judge..........