Monday, November 24, 2008

Omarion Joins BSV!!

Now I know that you are aware of how Omarion can get down with the get down and puts on a hellava performance for his fans when in Concert. But what I've noticed over the past few years is that Omarion can really dance! without having to be Choreographed or anything. He can really get hood and show off his street skills.

Now this group by the name of BSV has now made Omarion a new member of the group, and he is going by the name of "O'llusion". Now I haven't known of this group until I seen it on YouTube on Omarion's page and I must say that these are some really talented people. One that I've favored so far is a guy that goes by the name of "Ghost". He got mad foot skillz. Anywho, take a look at how they get down....


After watching that, it makes you want to get up and get grimey wit 'em! Omarion really impressed me and I love to watch him dance. Can't wait to see what else this young man have instore for us.

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