Thursday, January 31, 2008

Online Chatting/Message Boards

I decided to do one more Blog before I turn it in for the night! as you've noticed the title, that is what I will be talking about right now. Online/Surfing the Net is a whole 'nother world and dimension. But I think what's so fun about being Online is that you can be whoever you decide to be and remain anonymous. or could you?

I've been a Valid member of the Internet world for 2 years now and I must say that I enjoy almost every minute of it while I'm online because it is so much stuff that you can do Online. you can Chat, Download Music, Movies, Play Games......right click save other's picture's...........No? that's not suppose to happen is it?.....NO it does not! but unfortunately, because you choose to share your photo's with people that you don't know and all that you have is they're Font to go by, you figure that it's o.k to share a photo and e-mail address with them because they seem cool and an Observer like myself.

Now, there is one thing that I've learned about being Online is to NOT share your personal information with a complete stranger. when I say personal info, I'm speaking of: Phone number's, Home Address, E-mail addresses,Work place, Social Security numbers, Photo's....especially if you dont want them to be shared with no one else except the person you gave them to, to begin with. and most inportantly, Your Government name. that's a big RED FLAG! but the information that I've provided above <<^^, a lot of you already know that if you give that info out, you never know who it's given to and what they will do with it.

I'm a member on a few Message Boards/Forums and I must say that I have seen some crazy things happen over my two years of dealing with the internet! People are like actually Beefing and typing back and forth to one another using these Vulgar words to try and hurt them but yet, has never meet each other a day in they LIVES!! that's the most sad part about it...smh(<>shaking my head) going back and forth with someone that you've never meet and might have never planned on meeting to begin with! but they are able to sit back and actually burn they keyboards up....LITERALLY....about what they may have and what they may do to the other person.

I've even read guys going at it on a Forum and the most Hillarious thing occured. this guy told another guy that, if he was to buy him a plane ticket.......he would fly out there to beat the other guys Ass(excuse my language) but he said, and I quote, "Buy me a plane ticket and I'll come up there and beat your ass".......LMAO!! I'm sorry, I had to laugh because after typing that, it just sound so damn STUPID and yet Immature. why on earth, would he actually think that someone would pay for his flight ticket, to come and beat him up??....even if that happened!! you cant be on the internet and do nor say stuff like that because it make's you look and sound dumb! they also go as far as actually POSTING this guys address so that the guy who was yelling to buy him a ticket could go and beat him up!.....smh.....tsk,'s just sad. the internet should not be taken that seriously!

Then you got the pictures that are passed around to these Fonts........because at the end of the day, thats all we are, are FONTS...Anonymous posters. and once the pics are passed around, something may happen then all of a sudden, there's a lot of "e-drama" and your picture's turn up on YouTube some where.....smh....I actually seen a video to where on some site (I cant remember the name) but it was a Message Board/Forum as well, where someone took a group of people picture's and made fun of them calling them all types of names. I mean it was just horrific......shameful that people who are suppose to be adults will let someone you dont know....a screen name.. bother you that much.

The internet and dealing with certain site's, is almost like real life, when your in school and you dont want to be clowned just because your "Popular" in school an etc....and you have to rep what you stand for or for what other people may see you as. and being on a certain site/forum, if you got a numerous amount of post's and/if you get along with almost everyone on the site, you become popular for just that or for the witty things that you may say. hell, or even going as far as showing a little skin to get that extra attention. and if someone...say a newbie(someone who may have just started and have 500 and sum post's and been a member for 4 months or one year, while the veteran may have over 3 thousand sum post and may have been a member for 5 years) the newbie says something to the veteran poster and it may seem out of line, the veteran has to defend his/her title as the veteran poster, and the poster with the most post count and the witty things that were said..and it may go on for weeks and maybe months until his/her fellow posters said that the veteran shate the newbie up! it's not that serious. this is the internet with a lot of Anonymous people on it and it should stay that way. because when you log out and shut your computer down, most of the people on the internet will forget who you are and you will never exist in they real world. the only time you WILL exist is when you log back on and there is the anoymous person we love or hate!

It's just terrible. then you also got people going around actually meeting the people that they font with online. WHY? letting an anoymous person into your life off the net is letting them in to close. getting to close with your personal buisness. then you guys fall out, that person will get online and try to break you so bad with what ever they have learned about you through out your so called "friendship" and make you look bad as a person when your not! all I'm saying is, when dealing with the internet world, keep things to a minimum. not maximum but to a minimum. dont be letting people into your personal life like that.

Then(one more thing) you got people that would meet each other on Myspace. myspace is suppose to be a place where you could promote your music....well thats how it use to be. but now you could meet friends and etc....not meet in the physical appearance act (atleast that is what I thought) but just to chat over the net. but people go as far as actually trying to meet people on there for X.E.S (sex) and it also cause peoblems within your relationship, in your real life and friendship, because someone may not be on a top friend list. or because a girlfriend or boyfriend cheated. it is not healthy to do things like that over the net. I've also had someone send me a pic of someone asking me if I knew them. which I didn't but if I did, I would not have outted that person on front street like this person wanted me too. Nuh Uh, not my style. it's the internet and that's how I'll keep it.

To leave this with you people, be very cautious in who you share your information with online and who you meet. people do silly shit just because they are hiding behind a screen and keyboard. the net is suppose to be for entertaining purposes AND buisness purposes ONLY. not to meet and have sex and all the other crazy shit that have been mentioned.

Personal Hygiene

The first topic that I want to touch today would be your Personal Hygiene. Now before I start, I would like to mention that Alexyss Tylor(A Youtube User/Videographer) talked about this and actually has a video about it(which will be posted a little later for your viewing pleasure. under the age of 18 I advise you not to view) and taking care of your Body is the most important thing.

Now I know that some people would think that only because they may have taken a Shower the night before that you are alright for the next day. that would be a negative ladies!...and men, I will NOT leave you out. if you shower a day in advance then a "bird bath" will be acceptable the following day if you do not feel the need to shower again. no matter what you do, take care of your personal hygiene because even when you CAN NOT smell it, the next person will. If you know someone who has a problem in this area, be a friend and let them know that something is not right! now I will leave you with the Powerful words of Alexyss Tylor, the QUEEN of (EXPLICIT) POWER!!

Hello AND Welcome! :)

Welcome to Random Situations. why Random Situations?...Well, I wanted to come up with a Blog to where I could touch on all basis that goes on in the world and possibly what goes on in your personal life as well. Maybe it'll be something that I'll talk about, could be something that you have been through and may be going through it now. maybe it'll be something that I'll talk about that you can help in giving your opinion on and could possibly help someone else. who know's what this Blog will become and who this Blog may help!

I also named it Random Situations because you can talk about Random things...Such as the Celebrities for another example. what will be a Blog if you cant talk about them and some of the crazy things that they have to go through?! they are human as well as you and I. so that will also be something that will be touched on. All varieties of things. so I just hope that you will enjoy the Blog and that it will grow to be something more. who knows?!

Well happy reading and feel free to leave comments as well. :)