People who has been through this situation knows that it isn't easy to move a long from the one you loved and hoped to share your life with. But life have to go on, and you have to make sure that YOU are taking care of. The most IMPORTANT thing and someone when going through a break up is YOU!
Some people, may feel as if the world has ended and that there is no going on with your life if you dont have that special someone by your side. Dont EVER in a million years, think that your life revovles around someone because without him or her in your life...you WILL be alright. Who knows, maybe the person who did the breaking up, did you a favor. You have to think of things like that. Don't waist a lof of energy on the what if's and what should have happened and etc...Get yourself a hobby and move on. Start to date other people. You dont have to be serious or committing yourself to soon to someone...but to get over that hump. As crazy as it may sound, but sometimes having someone around..just to show you a good time, will help you get over the ex.
When trying to date. Some people may feel as if no one else would want them but the ex that you were once with. But let me tell you something. That is not true. Sometimes, you HAVE to go out and meet people because sitting around mopping is not going to bring that one man that you deserves to you.
I have a story to share with you guys. A friend of mine(who's name I will not mention. we will just call her Stephanie) Stephanie was dating a guy for 4 years of her life. And trust me when I say that it was the most miserable and depressing four years of her life. I'm talking going through being abused. Not just mentally but mostly physically. But no matter what the situation was...Stephanie decided to stick with her man through thick and thin. Did he appreciate the things that she did for him? that I dont know. But from what I saw, I would say hell no. See, Steph had this thing that she was so in love that no matter, it was worth her sticking around. I wish that she would have just left before things got really hectic for her. Now this guy that she was dealing with, eventually spent time in the pin. He did 5 years incarceration and Stephanie still rode it out with him. Even though Steph could not support him financially while in the pin...when he first went in, she did what she was able to do financial wise. But was what she did appreciated? HELL NAW!!
So to try and nip this tory in the bud real quick. This guy was finally released from jail and Steph and the guy she loved decided to try and work they relationship out because, while he was incarcerated, they had problems then....arguing and saying things to one another that could really hurt them mentally. But the change from Steph was something that this guy was not ready for. Because while they were together, she was weak minded to him and in a way gullable because of the things he would do like: messing around...being unfaithful to Steph with females right in the next building or up the block and staying the nights out or what have you...no matter what, Steph let him back in...
Now ladies(and men if your going through the same with a female) dont let a man or woman EVER think that they got it that good while in a relationship. If something aint right, nip it in the bud before situations get worse. Thats something that Steph didn't do.
Now back to Steph....she let him back into her home no matter what he seemed to have done. He didn't work, he stole out the house, he was abusive and on top of that, they have children.And all of this going on....smh so anyway, he gets released and they decided to work something out. Now Steph had a lot of resentment toward him. But some where down the line, she hoped and believed that some of the things he would tell her became true one day. He'd say little things like he wanted to make her happy and be a family man and all the other good shit that comes aloong with it. Did she get it? Hell naw! She got nothing but yet Steph was at his every hand that held out for help. She put his first peice of clothing on his back, food in his refrigerator(because he stay in a half way house transitional thing) took him places that he needed to go with no money for gas and on top of that, was throwing him money like it wasent a problem. But you know what Steph did?! she eventually broke it off with him. I was a little confused because even though they decided to part ways, they were still messing around. I was baffled and wondered why..??.. neither of them wanted to end it but then on top of all, he got a white girl pregnant. that is what made Steph move on and step over them stones and get on with her life because I know and she knows that she DO deserves a lot better. Always a no good.......9/10 will always be a no good. This girl is now moving on with her life. Found her a job and planning to go back to school. And to be honest, the way that she was with him, I had to ask, whats the key to your moving on? and she said motivation and love for her children and most of all being strong and have dignity :) thats my girl.
So when moving along(with half the story I gave you guys because it waaay more than that to it) you have to stay self motivated. If you have children, be motivated fro them. Not saying that a guy going off and getting another girl pregnant is the key to just move on OR a girl going out and getting pregnant by another guy is the key to move on. Move on when you know and see that things arent right. Get out before you get dragged in the gutter and so will your self-esteem. It takes time to move on from the ex. but it will happen.
So before I cut it short. Keep your head high and know that you are beautiful and you ARE more precious than gold and cant no one tell you different. Just because it took a man to help bring you into this world, DOES NOT mean that you need a man when leaving this world.
Nice story! I wholeheartly agree with this post 100%
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