Here's another quote for you guys:
"Here I am w/ a black eye after yet another violent fight w/ the bf. I want to get out so bad, but its hard and the police can't protect me. It only makes him madder when they get involved and he always seems to get out of it someway. I just feel alone, I don't really want anyone in my family to know b/c they just end up making me feel worse. I just don't understand why he does this, I had a job interview tomorrow. Everything in my life is just so fucked up right now. I know I should leave and I'm really disappointed w/ myself b/c I'm so much better and stronger than this. Please no mean comments, I just wanted to vent and maybe hear how others have gotten out of similar situations"
First of all...This guy does this because he is insecure with himself and most of all an COWARD!! This is just Stephanie all over. She was the same way(read post below) She went through the same thing with her ex and suffered from an black eye as well. Situations like this, no matter what you may fear would happen, YOU HAVE TO END IT! Dont let a person put such a hold on you that you are to afraid to do whats right.
If you have to get the police invovled in situations like this..press charges on his ass! that will give you enough time to move on with your life and relocate if fear lives in your heart that badly. No woman deserves to be put in this situation. The quote above says that he would get angry if she was to call. Then keep your hands to your damn self! then the police wont have to be invovled. Then the messed up thing of it is, she had an job interview. Another woman trying to do right and get her life together but then have some ungrateful knuckle head on her hands who obviously does not want to see her succeed. Because 9/10, he aint got nothing going on with his life so he want to drag her along with him. Dont let that happen. The first sign that you get that your mate is aggressive.....no matter how you may feel about the person, break it off! because you could end up like some of these girls on the news. Hold on to your dignity and dont ever let a man tell you that no one will want you but him because that is a lie!
And this girl knows that she's so much better than what she's getting from this guy and she knows that she a strong woman. Her only problem is fear. Dont let it control you. You control it.
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