This is an image from my FAVORITE new movie, "Why Did I Get Married". Tyler Perry know that he knows how to put a good movie together. I've seen the play and it was so, so. but the movie covers all of that. he also had some amazing cast members in the movie. people such as Janet Jackson, Malik Yoba.......well, I'm sure that you've seen the movie so you know who played in it(not to mention that I forgot the names of the other cast members..LOL!)
But I wanted to touch a few things that's in this movie that people are really going through in real life. let's take Jill Scott's character for example....well for this post period. now, as in real life situations, I'm pretty sure that when he(Mike) married this woman(Sheila) she had a few pounds on her to begin with and he was attracted to her then...which was in college and now all of a sudden, after ten years, you are no longer attracted to the woman that you married?..........your WIFE!?!!! it is really sad. if you feel that your wife does not turn you on in such ways anymore, why let the relationship continue and head for disaster?
The part that got me the most was when they were on the airplane and she invited her friend along........now LADIES dont EVER, EVER, EVER bring another woman around your man. especially if her physical appearance is more attractive than yours(which I will talk about later) now, she made it seem as if she was really hurt that sheila husband prefered to sit next to her, other than his wife in which she had to sit in another seat in fron t of them in which she was "to big" and making another flighter uncomfortable. along those lines, an flight attendant comes and tell her that a woman of her size has to pay for, not one but two seats in order to continue on her flight. the husband than gets really bold with her and it ticked me off so damn bad that I wished that I could have smacked him through the T.V screen.
So she ended up driving all the way to the mountains where all the friends are suppose to meet up. NOW LADIES don't you know that a girl like me would have SET IT OFF on that plane!?!.....I' 'am your wife and you got the audacity to hand me my bag and tell me that you will meet me at the cabin?....no way in hell that would have happened. and you and my "suppose to be friend" ride the damn plane there?!!.....no way in HELL! just because god made you a certain way does not give a person a right to treat you like poop on a sidewalk. some people cant help the way they are shaped and it is hard to loose the weight. but people who are not going through such things don't understand that much. and by him being her husband, he should have been able to help her out through it.
And the sad thing is, people are really going through stuff like that in they marriage/relationship in real life..... afraid to leave because they think that don't no one else want them because of they shape.. and by your s/o some what accepting you, you think that he is all that you could get. that is not true. don't ever think that you have to continue to be with a guy who will degrade you in every aspect all because you think that it's impossible to find someone who will lift you in the aspect in which your husband forgot to lift you in! if you have did all that you could do to make your marriage/relationship work, but he still finds no respect for you, then it is time to pack up and leave. don't sit around and wait for you to find out the bad news that he has had sex with your friend in order to leave. leave when he has no respect for you.
And that's another thing. bringing these skanky ass women around your men. dont trust no one around your man. especailly if that woman is more attractive than you and the key thing of it all......IF SHE IS SINGLE! don't do that. your man will get tempted to test the waters and by this woman being a single bird, she will do whatever she can to try and get what you WERE getting. I don't care if this man took good care of you(in which this was Sheila's case)you do not have to go through that. leave before the situation gets worst. Even though it took Sheila a minute to see thethings that were blind to her....when her friend Angela let it all out(I heart Angela by the way)she left with a bang, meet a nice man, shed some pounds and re-married. see, when a man loses some one that was very dear to them, they do not realize it until they are actually gone out of they life. and thats how Mike was when he seen her again for the first time in years. and she was glowing and happy....LOL! I loved that part. but Ladies, keep your head up and remain dominant. there is nothing like a good strong woman. :)
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