And we have one of the most sexiest men alive to grace us with his presence as being the President of the United States of America! I'm so happy for this Victory that has come upon us in this Millenium of 2008. On Election day, I was so nervous. Nervous with voting and the outcome for a change.
I came home on November 4th and went straight to the voting pole. My children and I because they were able to vite as well....even thought they votes doesn't really count at this time but it was fun for them. It was actually really quick! Unlike some places where it was long lines waiting to vote. It was REDICULOUS in some states. But it was good to see that people were really serious about voting this time around. If only people took the election this seriously when Bush was running for president because then the Economy wouldn't be so bad. Don't you think? But overall, it was a beautiful sight.
I even seen young men with only they're shorts on and some house shoes just to go and vote. Of course, I shook my head at the sighting of it. But it was worth it because no matter who they choose to vote for, they vote counted and it helped :) There is good qualities about us having Barack Obama as our president and then you have the bad qualities of him being our president. Let's start with the bad shall we..........
On Election day, I seen some people act in a such nonchanted way that actually....never seem to amaze me. But I guess by it being a Victory day, it seemed more outlandish to me. Whilst on the bus....Because me and a few of my friends decided to go out and encourage people to vote and if they wasen't able to vote to go in and register and be able to vote on the spot, you know, if they haven't already. So whislt talking to people, you have all type of people that would ride the bus. And a man got on the bus in which his body odor was a little loud. I mean, I didn't really smell the guy because by that time, I had worked my way to the back of the bus. The bus was CROWDED and it required for some people to stand.
So this guy gets on the bus and of course you got the loud, ignorant people on the bus who will always try to make a scene. It was two loud mouthed females on the bus in which one had a pink baby bag(with no baby to show for) wil give more details on the bag later on. And it was 3 loud mouth.........NO.....4 loud mouth guys on the bus. One of these guys wore a brown jacket...in which that is how I will prefer to him since I didn't know his name.
When the guy got on the bus, everyone started to talk about how he smelt. It must have been terrible because everybody was moving around and covering they noses. Me on the other hand didn't really smell him so it was like o.k he must really smell. So one of the female's was busy talking about how this guy smelt so bad. If he smelt so bad, why wasen't the people who was actually getting a good wift of this guy complaining how she was complaining?!....and she was in the back where I was. So people started to crack the window on the bus and everything which was a little funny to me. So anywho, one of the girls was like, "man, where something at so that I could spray his ass wit?" by this time, she was searching into the baby bag. And the girl that the bag belonged to told her not to search her baby's bag for her stuff. This is when the guy in the "brown jacket" chimmed in: "I was about to say, you aint got no perfume or something cause I'll spray his ass wit it"....smh...ignorance at it's finest.
So the girl goes to dig in the baby bag anyway saying, "Show do". And the girl who's bag it belonged to agreed all of a sudden. In which they just wanted to pull dudes bluff to see if he'll actually spray this other guy with the perfume. She finds it, then hands it over to him. The guy takes it and removes the top from the bottle. By this time, the bus driver was telling people to move toward the back some more because she was steadily picking up people and it required for the "stinky dude" to move toward the back as well. The guy in the brown jacket stood up to spray the guy who's hygiene was so bad. And yet, I have smelt this guy.
So he was spraying him like crazy and while the stinky guy was turning to move to the back of the bus, he caught the other guy spraying him...smh... The guy then tries to snatch the perfume bottle out of his hands. By this time they were tugging over the bottle in which it slipped both of their hands and flew into another person's lap. The guy with the brown jacket on then proceeds to hit the other guy in the face and says, "man don't you ever try to snatch nothing out of my hand". Fuckery at it's finest. And they were right in front of me! Myself, along with other passengers was like "Whoooo" when he hit the guy. The stiky guy of course didn't do nothing! He just stood there in quite a shock. He also locked to be intoxicated.
It was just horrible. And I'm like why? why on Election Day of all days?!?! Stupid stuff like that will make other races look at us like we don't need to let people like him in the White House. Because you know if other races mark us as being, crazy, disfunctional, unsatisfying or whatever else......they label us all.
What I want to say to MY black people is DON'T use our president as an excuse to act an ass for the next four years. Yes Barack is of our culture and I'm sure he's going to make sure that we live good. But....he's not only vouching for US as an one. He's vouching for everyone who indeeds lives in the United states of America! Do not use your color to try and get by and DO NOT use who we have in the White House as an excuse to get away with shit that you know isn't right. We made HISTORY! Now let's live History the right way.
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