I thought that this topic would be very Necessary at the moment. while browsing the net, I came upon this picture of Lil' Mo.... Never mind the fact that she's blowing a bubble looking sleepy, but look at all the Tatto's she has on her arm! I knew that she had Tatt's but I DID NOT know that she has that many. and all on one arm?!
Tatto's are cool to get for some people (not to mention how it'll look once you become of age and your skin start to sag) but I think for a woman to get tatto's, there should be a minimum to the amount you plan to get. now I know that's HER body and she could do what she pleases with HER body but all those tatto's are not cute at all. especially when you have them on parts of your body that will be viewable to the public eye.
There's this saying, 'do not trust a person with more than three tatto's' and you know what, I dont! because even though it's a "saying", it also happens to be true. I have a friend and a relative that has more than three tatto's and far as my family goes, I trust that person to a certain extent. family or not. and when I think about it, this family member do have some sneaky ways about them. and my friend who has more than three, has some sneaky ways about her as well. and again, I trust that person to a certain extent. LOL!
Ladies, when you get tatto's, make it classy not TACKY!
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